Acting Out
Acting Out: Understanding and Reducing Aggressive Behaviour in Children and Youth
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health; 2007; 122 pages

Acting Out aims to help you understand how to respond effectively when a young person behaves aggressively, what kinds of aggression are considered normal for a young person’s age and stage of development, and what kinds of aggression may suggest that a young person has a problem that needs specialized intervention. It describes the causes of aggressive behaviour in young people, and discusses approaches to handling it.
Aggression among young people is an important social issue. Fortunately, early intervention and treatment can significantly reduce the risk of harmful outcomes. This book:
- Explains various types of aggressive behaviour exhibited by young people;
- Identifies factors related to aggressive behaviour;
- Distinguishes between normal aggression and aggression that is of greater concern;
- Gives practical advice on how to address aggression in children and youth;
- Highlights proven prevention and intervention strategies and indicates strategies to avoid; and,
- Discusses the assessment and diagnosis of more serious aggressive behaviour in young people.
Acting Out is a valuable tool for anyone who works with young people, including teachers and school administrators, day-care and recreation centre workers, youth shelter workers, social service workers, sports coaches, youth leaders, and camp counsellors and directors.
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