Grade 7 Skills for Effective Relationships Part 1

There are a wide range of clips to choose from that address different areas of the program and include topics such as: peer pressure, substance use, school stressors, interpersonal conflict, dating relationships, etc. It is important to review clips in advance of showing them to the students so that appropriate clips are chosen for the students in the class as well as the topics being discussed. The sessions identify when it would be an appropriate time to show a clip. It is important to note that both Grade 7 and Grade 8 clips are provided, so that you have choice based on the students in your class.
These clips are organized into three sections. Part I focuses on demonstrating communication skills which include: assertive, passive and aggressive communication. Part II focuses on demonstrating skills that include: delay, refusal and negotiation skills and Part III focuses on a combination of skills.
Note: Any scenario # that shows a * beside it is a clip that was most recently created by students (2015).

Part I – Assertive, Passive, Aggressive Communication Skills:

Scenario 1* One person not contributing to group assignment

Scenario 2* Girls making fun of someone’s picture on Instagram

Scenario 3* Making fun of athletic abilities

Scenario 4* Making racist comments about new student

Scenario 5* Trying to support a friend who is feeling anxious

Scenario 6* Trying to support a friend who is feeling depressed

Scenario 7 Pressuring sister to lie to their mother

Scenario 8* One friend is spending too much time gaming

Scenario 9 One friend pressures another to steal beer

Scenario 10 Trying to convince a friend to smoke

Scenario 11* One partner pressures the other in a relationship

Scenario 12* Making fun of someone using homophobic language