Healthy Relationships Plus Program (HRPP) Skills for Effective Relationships Part 3
There are a wide range of clips to choose from that include topics such as: peer pressure, substance use, school stressors, interpersonal conflict, dating relationships, etc. It is important to review clips in advance of showing them to students so that appropriate clips are chosen for the group of students in the group as well as the topics being discussed. The sessions identify when it would be an appropriate time to show a clip.
These clips are organized into three sections. Part I focuses on demonstrating communication skills including assertive, passive and aggressive communication. Part II focuses on demonstrating skills that include delay, refusal and negotiation skills and Part III focuses on a combination of skills.
Note: Any scenario # that shows a * beside it is a clip that was most recently created by students (2015).
PART III - Combination of Skills
Scenario 1* Sexual pressure to take relationship to the "next level"
Scenario 2* One friend trying to get another to facilitate betrayal/cheating
Scenario 3* Friends planning to tweet about someone else's relationship
Scenario 4 One friend pressuring the other to steal
Scenario 5 One partner doesn't want the other to be alone with a certain person to study
Scenario 6 Accusations about cheating
Scenario 7 Pressuring friend to graffiti a wall
Scenario 8 Inappropriate pricture taken in change room on cell phone
Scenario 9 Friends have a discussion about "ratting" after a recent stabbing
Scenario 10 A student is trying to pass by in the hall and some others start harassing him
Scenario 11 Questioning a friend because the friend is dating someone who is not Aboriginal
Scenario 12* Pressure to steal parents alcohol
Scenario 13 Pressure to drink at a party
Scenario 14 Pressuring a friend to drink at a party
Scenario 15 Trying to help a friend who is considering taking pills to suicide
Scenario 16 One partner is being abusive to the other and a third friend steps in
Scenario 17 One partner approaches the other about having sex, and there is a discussion about being tested for an STI
Scenario 18 Talking to friend about being sexually assualted by her cousin